Qt/Ht How Many Do It How Many Dont


Active Member
I QT everything including corals. unless I know for 100% sure the tank they came out of is parasite/disease/nuiscance hitchiker free.


So what is your reasoning to do this, is it just fear of an outbreak or just from other peoples comments?


Active Member
Its from personal expirience of snails eating a colony of very expensive zoanthids, then an infestatioon of aiptasia, then flat worms...... after that I just started QTing everything, I have prevented aip from getting into my tank again at least 15X I have found sundial snails (zoa eaters), pyrimid snails (clam killers), prevented keyhole limpets....... there are about a thousand nasty reasons to QT and not one valid argument against it. (deciding to QT or not is each persons descision, i'm not insulting anyone that doesnt QT, I'm just saying there really isnt a tank health reason not to QT, and many reasons for it)
look at it this way, a chunk of LR that comes out of a tank that had ick 3 weeks ago can infest your tank with ich....... qting will prevent that.


thats a good point you are raising, i dont qt but i have not stocked my tank as eagerly as alot other people, so i still am thinking about a qt before i begin to stock my tank .... so trying to get a lot of ideas out of this thread...
ill make this clear before hand to all postee's, i am not setting this thread up to start arguements about qt'ing or not, i am just wonderign the reasons why people do and why people dont, im going to take all the info. contained and make my own decision based on fact, expierence and error from all who are kind enough to input.


Active Member
My tank is relatively new, completing cycling in July. I have put 7 total fish in there and 4 corals without QT or dipping. I have not had any problems as of yet.
The reason that I did not QT was because I did not have anything really. Well now I have a tank with 4 fish in it and 6 corals. I do not want to risk it anymore so I have set up a QT and it is currently the temporary home of a lawnmower blennie.
Additonally, I have started dipping any new corals that I get. My QT is not set up to handle QT'ing corals or I would do that too.
Basically, I started QT'ing so I would not risk the health of my current stock.


makes sense but thats a pretty hefty stocking list with a fairly new tank, i have had my tank for over a year now and i only have 3 fish in it, and never had a fish die on me , i am currently seeting myself up to start housing corals and stuff, but i guess jpc, you learned and now, i am goign to use your expierence on my future stocking

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Following is my first post on the boards and the reason i have a QT/HT
I have a 110-gallon fish only tank that has been up and running for 6yrs only had three problems with ick, which I treated with copper all happened over 4 years ago. Tank contained One yellow sail fin tang one huma huma trigger one moron clown and one fiddler crab and a Koran angle all of which have been in my tank for over 3 years. Two weeks ago I bought a lion fish, which I had been watching at ***** for two weeks he looked fine. Having never had a QT or HT I just acclimated him and put him in my tank. 10 days latter my trigger showed a few white spots and starting scratching on the bottom of the tank. I started a treatment of Rid Ick after 3days I decided to go with Hyposalinity. Should have my SG at 15 ppt by tonight My yellow tank died three days ago with out showing no signs of ick I just found him dead that morning. My angle started showing cloudy eyes three days ago got worse yesterday to day he also died with out showing any white dots or scratching my lion as a little white on his eyes but when I went to feed him this morning It seems he is blind.
All in all not a good investment in the lion fish and my stupidity of not aquatinting him I ordered a 50 gallon tank set up today to use as a QT&HT
My trigger seems to not have any eye trouble but still scratched once and a while the clown shows no symptoms
I will have my SG at 15ppt by tonight I would welcome any and all input
PH 8.2
temp 77
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 5.0
calc 500
SG 1.0210 before I started hyposalinity


Active Member
I QT everything . Had issues years ago when I wasn`t and no problems at all ever since .


Active Member
Originally Posted by SWFISHFAN
makes sense but thats a pretty hefty stocking list with a fairly new tank, i have had my tank for over a year now and i only have 3 fish in it, and never had a fish die on me , i am currently seeting myself up to start housing corals and stuff, but i guess jpc, you learned and now, i am goign to use your expierence on my future stocking
The most I have ever had at one time was 5. We started out with a Banggai Cardinal and a firefish and then added a pair of clowns. Several weeks later we added a sixline wrasse (total of 5). The Banggai stopped eating and died. The next day the firefish was sucked into a powerhead and died. We replaced the firefish and added a yellow clown goby (back to 5). After a week, the yellow clown stopped eating and died. The fish in our tank were stable until 2 days ago when our replacement firefish went missing. I don't know if he is dead or not, as there is no body.
So what I learned was that we were adding fish too quickly. We have not added a fish for over a month and will not be putting the lawnmower in for another 2 weeks. I will feed the empty QT to keep the bacteria going and put a fish into it around mid november. Probably a replacement firefish (it is my 8 year old's fish and he is bummed


Originally Posted by jpc763
So what I learned was that we were adding fish too quickly. We have not added a fish for over a month and will not be putting the lawnmower in for another 2 weeks. I will feed the empty QT to keep the bacteria going and put a fish into it around mid november. Probably a replacement firefish (it is my 8 year old's fish and he is bummed
well i take your part of the information and will take it into fact for the qt being essential for a saltwater tank setup section of my research, thanks


so far there has been 14 people voting and ii thought it bee a little more lopsided towards either side but so far 8 do and 6 dont so, ill keep everyone posted on the results


Staff member
Unless you are a crazy thrill seeker, QT is the only way to run a fish tank.


Active Member
I dip all new corals and eyeball them very well before adding to my tank (I had to throw a new frag of monti's two weeks ago because it had nudi's on it). I do not QT new fish anymore(did when my system was new and not fully stable). IMO, if your tank is healthy and established then ick will not be a problem, the key is to provide a healthy system and the fish should be able to fight it off. Again, some will not agree and I probably would not recommend this but it has worked well in my system.


The only time I did not qt, (because I thought a mandarin was safe), he gave every fish in my tank some clear looking parasite that made them scratch. Wasn't worth the headache to repeat that mistake. Because I did not qt one fish, all 6 others had to be fished out of a full blown reef with 180lbs of lr and placed in a ht.
As a result of the small 30 gal ht, my yellow tang got hlle.
Yup, as Beth stated... those were my crazy thrill seeking days I guess.
Place eye rolling smiley here


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Unless you are a crazy thrill seeker, QT is the only way to run a fish tank.
LOL I fail to see the thrill in rampaging sundialsnails

And I personally agree.


i can see why people qt, but my question is just an outsider looking in question, i dont qt, i am going to begin qt, but what i am thinking is, if you keep your tank in good condition just like another poster said earlier, why would you have to qt? the ocean dont qt animals when they get a disease? so why should we? i am not arguing so dotn jump all over me, but whats the reasoning besides not wanting to deal with the whole sick fish thing, the way i see it, if were patient for everythign else to set the tank up why are we not as patient with our sick fishy kids?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SWFISHFAN
if you keep your tank in good condition just like another poster said earlier, why would you have to qt?
because its not whats in your tank your protecting against, its thing that shouldnt be in your tank that you are preventing from getting in there.
example 1
say, I have 5 fish all appear healthy my tank params are moderate, I introduce a fish with ich to tank raised fish, that have never been exposed to ich, parameters being moderate one fish then the next succumbs to ich.
example 2
say I just got a great deal on a frag of montipora, I have hundreds of dollars invested in other corals, my tank parameters are perfect, I drop it in within weeks all my SPS have been wiped out by a protozoan infection (say brown jelly disease) that I did not notice in the half hour it took to temp acclimate the new frag and drop it in my tank.
and more......
qting allows you time to notice health issues in individuals befopre they become health issues for EVERYTHING.