QT Inverts? How many inverts at once?


So, I understand the need to QT corals and fish for 3 weeks, with the fish requiring observation and the corals not requiring observation. Am I supposted to QT my inverts as well? If so, how long? Also, I understand to only add 1 fish at a time and only 1 coral at a time (with much space in between). What about inverrts? Added all at once?


Well-Known Member

Everyone has their own way...me, I don't quarantine inverts or coral. However I do use coral dip.
When I acclimate, it is in a separate container, not the main tank. I do not float the bag. I remove some water the critter came in and replace that amount with my tank water, when it’s time to add the critter a bit over an hour later, two hours for sea stars (there is only my water remaining in the container). I scoop out the critter and release it into my tank.
I personally have never had a problem. Others may chime in. Some use a QT for everything. I would think that if it takes 6 to 8 weeks (not 3 weeks) for ich to be gone, I assume that is how long to keep any critter in a QT.


Flower's got it right. anything that isn't a fish and therefor can't be treated with hyposalinity or copper needs to be in a fishless environment for at least 6 weeks.
Fish get treated for 4 weeks and watched for an addition week or two before getting added.
As far as acclimation there is a great little link on the top left of these pages in the blue bars that tells how to properly drip acclimate. I've never used this method, but now that I've seen how, I'm certainly going to do so in the future.


they do, its called freshwater. But jsut like the coral dip that won't kill ich. But it does do a good job on other critters you don't want in your tank like flukes and flatworms


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Clown-Lover
Why one coral at a time in QT?
And what if my QT tank doesn't have the proper lighting for the coral you get?

Lighting is why I dip them and not use a QT..good point to bring up, I didn't even think to mention it.


If you don't have the proper lighting you need to either get the proper lighting or skip the QT process like flower does and take that chance that there may be an ich cyst or 50 attached to the coral or the rock that it came on.
You don't need to QT only 1 coral at a time.
It's basically just like a nano tank. If you can have a bunch of corals in a nano you can ahve a bunch in your QT too. Just make sure they have thier space just like in the DT so they don't kill each other.
Guys, What do you mean by Quarantine the fish before you add it in the DT. Do you need to add any medicines to quarantine the fish? And Why leave the fish in QT for close to couple of months ??