Originally Posted by renogaw
i qt'ed sand for 4 weeks.
guess why?
cause the tank i got it from possibly had ich in it.
guess why 4 weeks?
cause thats about twice the amount of time ich lives in the sand.
why is it so hard for you to grasp that people are not making things up? quarantining is NOT something new. It also is not only suggested here.
you say $50 is a lot of money... why on earth are you in this hobby if $50 is a lot of money to you? if you're buying expensive corals, another $150 shouldn't be a problem so you dont kill or infect the $100's, or thousands some people have, in the dt.
LOL. Yea, you're right. $50 is a lot of money to some people. Unfortunately, I had no idea that setting up a 55 gallon saltwater tank would be so expensive to maintain. I've had a 40 gallon fresh tank for years, and have spent 1/10 what I've spent on this stupid 55 in just 5 months (yea, yea, now I'll hear the "Shoulda done research before you started" song from some wiseguy). I'm glad you're independently wealthy and have unlimited funds to keep your tank running. Me, I still don't believe in the 'QT everything imaginable" theory so many of your have embedded in your brains. In the 5 months I've had this tank up, I've lost 10 fish. Out of those 10, I can see where QTing one of them may have saved him. All the others, they either died from stress from shipping, or died with no signs of any diseases. Whether they would've been in a QT or a DT, they would have died either way. In between them, my Hawaiian puffer, SFE, one chromis, and GB Star have done quite well. The only disease I've had was ich on my blue hippo. I treated him in my DT with Ich Attack, garlic, and Metronidazole. It never got on any of my other fish, and cleared off of him a week after treatment. That was almost 2 months ago. Now the only thing I plan on adding to my tank are corals. I have several local resources that keep a consistent stock of any coral you can imagine. None of the sources keep fish in their coral tanks, nor are their systems that hold corals tied to any tank with fish in them. So I guess if any QTing is going on, I'm letting them do it at their expense, not mine.