qt or hospital tank question


I bought a 10 gallon tank today to set up a quarantine or hospital tank. I need info on whats supposed to go in there. People keep talking about a skilter and i can't find any info on what that is and where to get one. Other people talk about a sponge thingy. Where do i get that? People suggest getting PVC piping for hiding places. Do i add substrate in the tank? Live rock? Any info would be helpful. Thanks


Staff member
You can basically go with any type of setup that you want. What's important is to maintain the same water quality and tempature that is in your main tank. Make the setup easy for yourself, yet good enough to maintain good water quality. However, don't use any carbon filtration system, as carbon removes most medications that you will use in hosptial setup. Also, fill your hospital tank with water from your main tank, and do water changes using main tank water too.