QT question


New Member
I have recently set up a QT as everybody advise me to do so. soon after I got a couple of clown fish and I recently bought a little blue tang. The clowns has died. but the little blue tang looks OK. However I did seen him trying to scratch the rock a few times and had a couple of white dot on the tail. Is it ich? It came off after a day and the fish looks fine. All my reading is good. My question is if I don't see the white dot anymore, which might be ich. how long does it take for it to die off and when can I add my 1st fish to my new tank. My new tank is a 150g and has been runing with shrimps and crabs and snails in there for a month now and everythings look good and the shrimps look happy.
I really want to get my new tank going, but I know patience is everything. So I need some advice.


Staff member
Why did clown die? Why don't you just go ahead and do hyposalinity on the QTank. That would be your best option at this point. The proceedure is detailed in the FAQ.


New Member
but the fish is doing fine right now and I don't see even one dot on him. Will hypo stress the fish? And I think the reason the clowns die because of the source. I will try to order my fish online now. I think most of the LFS in my area bought druged fish. Tell me if I am wrong. someone told me the fish might always kept in a copper medicated tank when it comes back.