QT question


I just got a hippo(i know small tank for hippo but at least its only one) and a ocellaris from SWF last week and they are doing great, but I have a question. Right now I only have 1 ocellaris in my main tank for a couple of months now and he has been doing great with no problems. My two new fish are in a 30 gallon qt tank which is in process of hypo(using refractometer) right now (20ppt). Should I go ahead and preform hypo on my ocellaris from my main tank even though he is healthy? I just don't want to introduce my tang into my main tank after hypo only to get ich. Could the ich be present in the tank on my clown but dormit? I do have 1 extra 10 gallon I could use to bring him down to 20ppt.
I am using a whisper in my 30 with an air stone and pvc and has been set up for about 3 weeks with water from my main tank. I appreciate your respones as I have been thinking about this for a while now.
55 gallon 30 gallon
pH 8.3 pH 8.3
NH4-0 NH4-0
NO2-0 NO2-0
NO3-10 NO3-15


Staff member
If you have had the other clown for awhile and you have never seen any signs of ich or disease on him, then leave him.