Ok..so husband took down the 10g QT without me knowing
(it was in the basement and never really look at it since no fish were in it). I had a Yellow Tang in there that was being treated for ich over a month ago. I bought a Coral Beauty yesterday and I was planning on putting it in and SURPRISE!! No QT. Right now it is in the main tank but I want to QT her ASAP! I know...too little too late. What can I do to start this tank up? All water is out and the tank will not be cycled at all. I am concerned with the fish going through that stress. Is it better to just keep it in the main tank? The clown keeps picking at her and I am concerned about a possible ich outbreak. I would like to QT it and do a slight hypo. I have inverts (crabs, snails, starfish) and LR. Hopefully better late than never?? Please HELP!!!!
:help: :help:

:help: :help: