QT tank-Need advice ASAP



Ok..so husband took down the 10g QT without me knowing
(it was in the basement and never really look at it since no fish were in it). I had a Yellow Tang in there that was being treated for ich over a month ago. I bought a Coral Beauty yesterday and I was planning on putting it in and SURPRISE!! No QT. Right now it is in the main tank but I want to QT her ASAP! I know...too little too late. What can I do to start this tank up? All water is out and the tank will not be cycled at all. I am concerned with the fish going through that stress. Is it better to just keep it in the main tank? The clown keeps picking at her and I am concerned about a possible ich outbreak. I would like to QT it and do a slight hypo. I have inverts (crabs, snails, starfish) and LR. Hopefully better late than never?? Please HELP!!!!
:help: :help:


you could take 10 gallons of water from your main tank and put that in the QT tank and then replace the water in your main tank and treat it like a water change!


Staff member
If the fish is carrying ich, it is most likely too late.
You can use 100% water from your display to set up the QT as well as throw in a few pieces of sacrifical live rock....meaning that you will kill of the "live" rock if you need to medicate and may not be able to ret. it to the display. Additionally, add 2 cups of sand from your display in to the QT.