QT Tank Question - Need quick response please.


I bought a 15 Gallon tank with an Eclipse Light/Filter Combination hood.
I'm about to set this up tonight and before I do so my question is - will this be a sufficient enough QT/Hospital Tank for anything up to the the size of a Purple Tang.
My other question is for quickest tank cycling aside from putting in a piece of LR and cup of LS, Should do I a 50/50 split of fresh Salt water with my Tank Saltwater or can I use 100 percent tank water and say it is cycled?
If somebody can help me quickly with those questions I would appreciate it, so if the tank is going to be too small I don't waste my time setting it up..
Thank you


Staff member
Check out the FAQ thread in the Disease Forum. I have a 20L Eclipse system myself for QT, but I also have a Fluval underwater filter in it. Get a tang while its small. However, if this is the only fish in the QT, it should be fine for 3 wks.


Thanks Beth -
I had read that forum before I grabbed the tank I was just very much concerned with the size.
I can grab a Fluval tomorrow when the stores open and put it in there -
I would probably never buy any fish that is larger then a Purple Tang, I like to watch them grow )
Just didn't want it to be too small to where the fish get stressed when obviously the point is to reduce stress.
Thanks again