Iv setup my 55 gallon QT tank. I was just wondering what kind of meds you put in it? Just copper and hyposalinity? Does the temp need to be a bit higher?
Actualy let me rephrase one thing. Iv always used the word QT to quarantien sick fish. I hear other people saying hospital tank. Is there a difference? and if so what?
I consider my Qt to quarantine new fish so if they are sick they won't infect my other fish, and I consider it a hospital tank when the fish are sick. Not really too much difference.
Cool. One more Q. When you get a new fish and put it in your QT tank before introducing it to your main tank you dont use any meds just hypo for a few weeks?
Yep I just do hypo. If I do hypo then I'll be sure the fish don't have any parasites that will infect my other fish when I add them to my main tank. Kinda like sanitising them before they go in.
How is your QT tank set-up? I'm having terrible results in my QT tanks due to cyling problems. Now I'm just using a trickle filter suspended above the QT tank and a sub. pump in the tank pumping water through the trickle filter.
I just have a 10 gal Qt with just a trickle filter, heater, and some fake rock. I used LR to cycle it then took it out once the cycle was finished. How are you cycling your Qt?
I am using fine to medium grain beach sand collected from the high water mark in front of my house. The beach dries for many hours daily so I would not consider it live sand, but maybe I'm wrong?
My QT tank is practically always in hypo since I treat all new fish for ick preventively before introducing them into my display reef tank.