I currently have a 40 gal with a box fish that has ich. Soon i will be upgrading to a 120gal. Please help me on setting up my QT tank. I have a spare bio wheel filter to use for it.
Be glad to help you! QT is so important to this hobby. It is the best thing you can do for your fish and tank.
Take a look at the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum. There is a long write-up there on QT. If you have questions after checking that out, post back here.
What do you mean? The first two very long posts under FAQ are on how to set up a QT. Also, below that is the post on Hyposalinity and how to treat ich.
Lion a 10 gal is not big enough for all those fish. Also, it is best to stick to ONE THREAD for ONE PROBLEM, else we, or I get confused .
I read a lot of posts on this board every day.