QT tank


Active Member
I placed my naso in a small 10g tank to rid him of ich.
I got all 10 gallons from my main tank, I assume the water does not need to be cycled bc it already is. It was my understanding in Beths thread that I did have to recycle. If my understanding is correct:notsure:
My Naso has been in the new tank for about 4 days now and I just did a check on the water and everything reads normal, do I need to look for anything concerning the water? :confused: or can I just go buy my test readings and if they are fine, then everything is A-O-K


Staff member
You need to look for ammonia and nitrites. Even though your water in the QT is from the display, and cycled, the rest of the tank is not cycled; glass, equiptment. The bacteria is in the water.