No its not a bad thing but remember you might have to med the fish. Therefore bad cuz you are medicating the live rock also. Then I would not use it in the DT. So you are out your money. And the fish are only in there a short time provided all goes well. So mechanical filtration is the way to go.
Originally Posted by robertmathern http:///forum/post/2804346
No its not a bad thing but remember you might have to med the fish. Therefore bad cuz you are medicating the live rock also. Then I would not use it in the DT. So you are out your money. And the fish are only in there a short time provided all goes well. So mechanical filtration is the way to go.
Would it stress the fish out too much if I pulled everything out of the tank while it is in there if I do end up needing to medicate?
I take it you already have the rock in there. I would just leave it in there. Hopefully you dont have the need to med. But pulling it out probably would stress him even more but it depends on the fish. Just keep the water good and clean. Hope for the best good luck.
I have a QT set up with a few pieces of lace rock in it and some sand on the bottom. When I medicate i'm not worried anything that shouldnt be in there, and the fish who have been in there have a place to hide.