qt tank


qt tank
Im getting a quarantine tank going. The tank is a 10gal and im gana get a 30gal tank power head for it got a pvc pipe for hiding and a piece of dead coral. I used 10gal from my main tank, and the heater has heated the water to same temp. does this mean the tank is ready to go since I used established water, or does it need cycling. Because my blue tang doesn’t look to good had him about 2 weeks, he had little ick spots, but today they went away. Should I QT him and HYPO him, if so how do I HYPO and how do i maintain a qt tank
next question is if i have one fish showing ick and the rest seem fine should i just qt & hypo the sick fish only or must i treat all fish.
can i a treat all my fish in the 10 gal qt tank(2perc clowns, yellow tang 3inch, blue tang 3inch(the sick one) damsel, 2 green cromes, manderin, neon gobey, cleaner wrase,) so if i treat all fish in hypo all snails crabs sponges, anemones feather dusters LR and coral stay in main tank with no hypo, these things whot cary ick..will they?


Staff member
You can not treat all those fish in a 10 gal tank....:eek:
Yes all fish exposed to ich need to be treated.
To better cycle a QT, you can also seed your filter media that you are going to use in your QT in you main tank for a few days. You can also adds a bit of sand from your display into your QT. However, you can not use that small tank to qt all those fish.
Read the FAQ thread which is stickied at the top of the forum.