QT Time


I'm thinking of getting a 10g QT to replace my 5g QT. I have a problem with my fox-face - he has some brown patches on him - not sure what they are - possibly scratching. Although I did have a blue tang that got ick in my main tank. This does look the same though.
I think I need to give him some copper treatment. The fix-face is about 5 inches long, would he be fine in a 5g tank, or would he stress out.
If I was to buy this new QT tank, how long would it take to cycle, so that I could put in the fox-face, and then start some copper treatment.


Staff member
How big are the "spots"? Can you give more details about he ailment?
5" fish in a 5 gal is a bit small. Some people setup hospital tanks as needed, and just don't allow the tank to cycle. That mean cleaning up the bottom of debris everyday and doing a bit of water change. You will need to keep a close eye on water quality to ensure that the tank doesn't cycle.


Hi Beth
The patches are all different sizes on the fox-face. It looks like he's been scraping himself on the rocks. Don't know though - they are brown, ranging in size upto about 6mm.
I'm just stuck between a rock and a hard place at the moment. I think the puffer has Ick as well, and contemplating doing Hypo on the main tank, for 3 weeks, leaving all the fish in there. Would have to taking out some live rock, and sand.
Don't know if this hypo will help sort out the fox-face though. Is doing hypo good medication for many diseases???