QT/Water Change Tank



Continued from post: Checking In. Fshhub...
No, not cycling... just a 20 gal. water change tank for now. I plan on using it as a QT eventually if I need it.
The 20 gal has no substrate. It just has a hang on whisper filter with carbon filter bag. It also has an airstone running and a heater.
So, last weekend I put in 20 gal r/o water mixed with the appropriate amount of Coral Life Salt. I'm running just the water ... no fish, nada. Yesterday, when I was testing Ammo for my 50 gal, I also tested the ammo on the 20 gal. I thought that the 20 gal would be absolute zero to compare with my 50 gal. HA! The 50 gal was zero and the 20 gal was .25
I went and bought a bag of ammo lock - which is supposed to get rid of ammonia. I put it in the whisper filter on the 20. This morning the 20 gal levels are still .25 ammonia and zero nitrite.
So... I'm guessing I'll have to chuck the 20 gal of change out water and age more water for my weekend water change... yes? (Gotta age it before using it as water change).


Active Member
wel, if you have not yet, you should cycle your q tank, it can't hurt to have it ready, and using ammo lock in it will cause the wsame thing you had before, if it has not been used, just go ahead and cycle it and let the ammonia come down, besides, what can it hurt, you have no fish in it, so let it go naturallly, and you will get it where you need it for when you need it
other htan that, i tsounds like you have pretty much got it goin in the right direction, but i would in the near future get a chep powerhead in leiu of hte air stone