QT who uses and who doesn't & why?

noah's ark

Just curious if a QT is used often and for what main purposes? It just seems like a PIA to keep another tank ready for SW fish. Is is necessary after you tank is stocked and you dont plan on purschasing more. Thanks for any input.
Tonia :thinking:


I thought that to untill my cowfish came down with ick. that's when I decided to set one up and it has been very easy to maintain! Now when I add a new fish I stick him or her in the QT just to make sure they have nothing that will pollute my show tank. after a few weeks I then add them to the main tank.And becuase I have LR I heard you should never madicate your show tank. It just depends on how serious you want to dedicate yourself to this hobby!:joy:


Like chevcam said, it would be nice to have a treatment tank.
I have a 10 that I was thinking of setting up . . . but I have a similar question to those who DO have a QT set up. What is in the tank when you aren't quarantining (sp?)? Bare bottom? LR? Any inhabitants?


My QT tank is 20 gal with a good hang on filter I did let it cycle and now it's real easy to maintain.


I actually have a damsel left over from my show tank.I put some fake rocks and about a 1/4 inch of CC to hide the bottom of tank. water changes are easy cause it's a small tank.


If you have to use it to quarantine, wouldn't you be worried the damsel would harrass the other fish and/or get sick?


I use it when I buy new fish,or when the fish is sick or I need to remove a fish due to being attacked by other aggressive fish