Qt ?


when im done with hypo, before treating another fish do I need to change out all the water or can i do like a 50% water change before QTing more fish?
also the tank is cycled, will the water parameters be ok without fish init.
i do have bacteria in the tank though from 1 tiny rock thats now in crumbles becasue my porky got to it.


Active Member
Assuming the fish that were in the QT left the tank healthy, there should be no diseases present in the QT. You can use this tank immediately. If it has been idle for a while, making a water change using water from an established tank would be a good idea just before use.
Once a tank has cycled, there will always be some beneficial bacteria in it. The good bacteria can diminish if they have had nothing to eat for a long time. When you add more fish just watch out for a mini-cycle. If this occurs it should be much milder then the one you've been through. Water parameters should always be checked before adding more fish. Because of evaporation the specific gravity is the parameter most likely to go awry.
There are bacteria all over the tank, filter, glass, etc. A QT tank without any rock or substrate can still cycle.