

OK, I brought a hippo tang about 1.5 inches and a kole tang 1.5 inches,
both looked healthy this is the first time I am QTing fish, both fish are really shy, they hide behind the rocks in QT and wont really come out, is this normal? another thing is I am starting to use copper as the qt following the directions precise the box states to keep the copper @ 0.15 for 10 to 14days how does this sound to you guys? could I do hypo and copper at the same time? I see the fish swiming behind the rocks but when I go near the tank the hide specially the kole tang, the blue hippo tang is out more
I have lost many fish when I started this hobby and want to do it right this time ( last time before I quit) my tank has finished cycling.


Staff member
I see no reason to use coppper. If you want to do a preventative measure while the fish are in QT, then use hyposalinity. Copper is a toxin and should not be used unless absolutely necessary.
Also, when QTing fish, you should just QT 1 fish at time. The 2 fish in there are likely stressed out with each other's company. Give them time.