QTing fish purchased from SWF.com?


I'm thinking about buying some fish from saltwaterfish.com, and I was wondering if I should be qt'ing them as I would other new fish. Obviously I'd love to hear that they've been QT'd and observed for a few weeks already, but I'm not sure.


karajan is right, you have to quarantine all the fish where ever you buy, saltwaterfish.com sell very good quality fish, but you need quarentine first.


agree with all the above...
ALWAYS Q if you want to be SURE you are not introducing something into your display tank...
I will say tho that when I stocked my 125g I ordered all my new fish from SWF.com and they were all great specimens in great shape and my adult IMP was PERFECT! (already had a Naso T. and my first SWF.com purchase a juve-French A., also perfect by the way, from my earlier 55g tank I was upgrading from)
I Still Q'd them all.
Buy from SWF.com with confidence.