QT'ing new corals, need light? What kind?


I will be in the process of quarantining some new corals, (Frogspawn, hammers, birdsnest, and condy anemone)
They will go into a 10 gallon tank for 3 weeks first before being placed in my display tank(55gal) where I have PC lighting.
I believe 4x65 watts Orbit.
I learn my lesson with ICK and now I quarantine EVERYTHING!
My question: For the temporary 3 week period, what kind of lighting should I use in the 10 gallon tank to keep the corals alive? Will a "mini-aqua light" work? I think it's 18 watts PC.
Any tips?


you don't have to QT corals....they can't give or get ick.....if you want to be safe just dip them in some of the water in your tank in a different bowl and give them a small shake and then place in your DT...the birdsnest you can do a coral dip...i use Benzodine works just the same....add enough so the water is a dark tea color and leave the coral in the solution for 5-10 minutes....rinse with saltwater and you will be fine....so no QTing your corals....

al mc

Active Member
While coral can not get ICH the porous rock they come attached to can harbor the organisms and bring them into your DT. A dip may help but IMHO I would QT them for 3 weeks in your 10 gallon tank, keeping the water quality good and using t5 lighting.


I doubt he will use t5 lighting if his DT is only pc.
Have you done your research on whether the pc lighting will support those corals and especially the anemone. I am just starting to research so I am not forsure. Hopefully somebody will chime in.


if you dip properly then you will kill the harmful organisms....and if your fish get's ick from adding a new coral...your water parameters are out of wack...not the rock....as for the birdsnest and condi the both will not do very well under pc's.....i've never QTed corals in the 6yrs i've been in this hobby and i've never had a problem....IMO