QTing new fish


New Member
Should you still QT new fish even if the LFS you got them at says they QTed em allready? Also if there is ICH in my tank, and I plan to QT all of the fish one at a time, what is to stop current fish(not QTed yet) to give ICH back to the new fish (allready been in QT). I can't put all the fish in my QT since it is onle 10 gallons. Thanks..


All fish should be in QT before going into your display, regardless of what the LFS says. You should keep them in QT for at least 4 weeks if not more. I keep mine in QT for 6 weeks before going to display.


Well-Known Member
Also if there is ICH in my tank, and I plan to QT all of the fish one at a time, what is to stop current fish(not QTed yet) to give ICH back to the new fish (allready been in QT). I can't put all the fish in my QT since it is onle 10 gallons.
You have ich in our DT, and that is what needs treatment. Isolating fish one at a time won't work - as you guessed, each fish will be reinfected when it is returned to the DT. You may have to take all the lr out of your tank and hypo the DT to kill the ich in the tank and, by the way, fix the fish as well. Hypo will kill invertebrates, so be sure to take the lr and any inverts out before you begin and you should be ok. After you take the lr out you may see a nitrogen spike, so be prepared for frequent water changes and the use of Amquel Plus, or its equivalent to reduce ammonium/nitrite toxicity. Good luck!


I would not buy any fish right now. If you had ich in your display at some point and never treated it, then it is still there. As stated, you will have to treat either all of your fish in a qt or remove all rocks and inverts and hypo the display.

al mc

Active Member
I personally go one step further and 'hypo' all new fish during their quarantine to make sure I keep ich out of my Dt. I learned the hard way over a year ago when I got back into SW fish and lost several with a bad ICH outbreak......I still am ich paranoid and worry any time I add a new coral or some inverts that I can't 'hypo'.


New Member
Originally Posted by Al Mc
I personally go one step further and 'hypo' all new fish during their quarantine to make sure I keep ich out of my Dt. I learned the hard way over a year ago when I got back into SW fish and lost several with a bad ICH outbreak......I still am ich paranoid and worry any time I add a new coral or some inverts that I can't 'hypo'.
yeah I think i am going to start doing that. thanks,


Originally Posted by Al Mc
I personally go one step further and 'hypo' all new fish during their quarantine to make sure I keep ich out of my Dt. I learned the hard way over a year ago when I got back into SW fish and lost several with a bad ICH outbreak......I still am ich paranoid and worry any time I add a new coral or some inverts that I can't 'hypo'.
You cannot hypo inverts and coral, but you can and should place them into quarantine for 3 weeks. If they have ich resting on their surface it will have reproduced and died from lack of host within that time.