quarantine/don't quarantine


New Member
Just started out and so far so good. Looking to get a new fish, but I'm a little nervous about getting one that has a disease that spreads through the tank. I have heard of quarantine tanks and fresh water dunks. What do most of you all do(or don't do) to prepare a new fish for the tank? Also does the same procedure pertain to creatures such as shrimps and crabs?
I think the quarantine tank would be probably the best method, but I don't want to get another set up. Any ideas?
ok first never do a fresh water dip on any invertabrate now that thats out of the way
fresh water dips are stressfull to fish in general(they can tolerate it but its still stressfull) however quarteinning a fish is recomended with any fish, its alot easier to put a fish into a quareten tank then once everything is okay with it to move it to the display tank however from my own personal experice ALWAYS quarteen your fish
i learned this from trey as for he has been doing this and i had alot less problems since i started doing it this way
actually thats what i been doing, i mean your gonna be keeping a fish in there (when ever you get one) for figure about 30 to 45 days in the tank, if it hasent been set up, theres a posiblitiy that it might have bad reading(high nitrates, starting a cycle while quarenteeing) so thats why i have a small bioload(1 small fish) and keep it going with great readings