****Quarantine/Hospital Info


Looking for opinions first hand on type of filtering units you would recommend that will be good for a hospital tank/ Quarantine tank.
Currently I run a hang on type but there really isnt anything for the bacteria to grow on and establish itself. I have a canister filter but I usually stock it with carbon and the like to remove medication and not as my main filter to maintain the bacteria. Is it possible to use it if I stock it with the proper elements ?
I would also like some other opinions on types of filters I can look up on the internet so please provide some names. Preferably nothing that takes up too much space and is easy to maintain. Thanks.

mr . salty

Active Member
The thing about hospital tanks is to keep them simple.So a small hang on the back(hob) filter is really a good choice..The bacteria needed to support the minimal bio load you will have in this tank should be able to establish itself in the substrate...You could also add one or two small pieces of live rock to the setup to help,but keep in mind that alot of medications can and will harm the nitrafying bacteria...So be careful about what meds you use,or remove the rock when you need to use harmfull meds...


Thanks. However I was looking more for a filter that could support media to have the bacteria supported sort of the way a wetdry system works because I dont plan on having substrate anytime soon in the hospital tank. I appreciate it though. Do you know of anything like this. Again how about the canister filter. Would that work.
Anybody else?