Quarantine questions


I'm a newby with a 125 gal fish-only tank. I have about 60 lbs live rock, one cinnamon clown and 2 cleaner shrimp. I just bought a 90 gal reef package (snails, hermits, emerald crabs, 1 sally lightfoot, 1 coral banded shrimp, 2 clams) which I put in a 20 gal tank with 1 bannerfish, 3 damsels and a 15 lb live rock. Is 3 weeks long enough before transferring the bannerfish and inverts to my main tank? I'll leave the damsels in the 20. Any issues with anyone bothering the cleaner shrimp (they're great)? I had an ich problem when I first set-up my 125 and only the clown and shrimp survived, so I want to be careful. I moved the clown to the 20 when the ich problem and left the 125 without fish for 4 weeks. The clown has been back in the large tank about 1 month and is doing fine. Any advice?