quarantine tank question


I am setting up my QT this week with water that I am removing from my display tank, I also have had the filter pad for it floating in my fuge. So my question is this...If I am doing all of this and I am going to put some live rock from the display tank in there also, do I still need to cycle it, or should it be good to use right away?


Originally Posted by mp32
I am setting up my QT this week with water that I am removing from my display tank, I also have had the filter pad for it floating in my fuge. So my question is this...If I am doing all of this and I am going to put some live rock from the display tank in there also, do I still need to cycle it, or should it be good to use right away?

If your DT has already cycled without fish, the new cycled tank will be ok for use for the water. If the tank has fish in it dont use the old water. In that case, assemble the QT tank and cycle it by itself. You DO NOT want anything as far as LR or LS in a QT tank. The tank is there to QT the new fish or sick fish that you may have. If you are starting a new QT tank with new water use the sponge form your sump/fuge to help jumpstart the cycle. HTH


From what I read in The Conscientious Marine Aquarist, You should use main display water for the quarantine, but it does not say anything about fish or no fish. I have 2 clowns and a goby had them for a month and they are healthy so will it be a problem to use the water?


From everything i have read don't use the water from your DT if fish inhabit it.. I made my QT after my DT cycled with no fish in it. Then once i was ready to get fish my QT water peramiters were identical to my DT. Im also told that you should try to have the same filter type IE Bio-wheel for the QT tank preferably with no carbon. All this is done so the water is easily treatable if you have to treat a fish with a disease. The carbon, substrate and live rock will filter what you put in the tank to help cure the fish. HTH