quarantine tank questions.

okie fish man

New Member
i am getting ready to set up a ten gallon quarantine tank and have some questions.
1) i am putting a small penquin filter in it should i leave the carbon cartidge in or out.
2) should i leave the bio wheel in or out?
4) do quarantine tanks need light?
5) i am putting water from my established reef tank in it will it still cycle?


Active Member
Hello there!
Here are some answers to your questions:
1 By my opinion you should remove the carbon from your tank, this is because if u r going to treat the fish with medicine, carbon will absorb it. That's what u don't want to happen.
2 You should leave the bio filtration in.
3 QT need the lights, but if you gonna treat your fish with medicine, some medicine will reduce its power with lights on.So photo period should be very short and lights shouldn't be too strong.
Your QT has to be biologically established. Even if you put water from an established tank, your bio filter is not established yet, so it will go through the cycle.
Any other oppinions?


Active Member
welcome aboard
i agree with number one an dnumber 2
number 4, in a quarentine tank, yoou need minimal lighting, often room lighting is enough for a quarentine tank
nuber 3, i dont know
number 5) YES