Quarantine Tank


I am in the process of setting up my quarantine tank and have a question for those here with experience. The qt is 55 gallons. The water is 1.024 salinity. Of the 55 gallons added to the tank, 40 gallons was newly prepared water and 15 was from an established tank. When I do water changes from my display I add it to the qt. The temp is 78. I have a penguin 330 biowheel filter as well as a penguin 125. I also have a 300gph powerhead. There is no substrate or live rock and only a few pieces of pvc in the tank. I cycled the tank by putting in one jumbo, uncooked shrimp. I left the shrimp in the tank for approximately 8 days. The ammonia spiked high and has now dropped, but not to 0. Also Nitrites are still way high, off the board. Problem is I put the shrimp in the tank on 10/30 (day before Halloween). I just tested for Nitrites yesterday and still over 4. Am I missing a step or is it possible this cycling is moving this slowly after 6-7 weeks? Aside from putting in live rock or live sand from the display tank is there something I am not doing? Is there something I can do that I have not, to help the cycle?
I would like to get this qt set so I can order another fish. Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated.

cayman isl

Sounds like you did everything correctly. You should have plenty of bacteria built up by now...
I have a 20 gallon QT and ended up putting a cup full of my live sand in when I started it up. It seemed to get me to the "0" NO2 level, but it was so long ago that I can't remember if I had a slow start ot not.
I would try adding some of your sand. May help, and won't hurt.
Good luck!

cayman isl

I'm assuming you use the same test materials for your display tank so that is probably not the problem.
I would add some sand, Is your display tank a reef rank? Is it well established? If so then a bit of that sand should be the boost you need to get over the hump...
Also, test for Nitrates and see where you are there. If ammonia spiked, and nitrite is still up, I'd be curious to see if the nitrate is going up as it should be....


Yes my display tank is a reef tank. It has been up since February and I do use the same test materials for both tanks. I use both kits on both tanks. I have not tested for Nitrates recently, I will do a bit later tonight.
Also, how much sand to transfer do you think will be enough?

cayman isl

I only put in one of those small butter dishes full. I'm guessing about a cup.
I'm still not sure if that will solve the problem or not. You should have been thru the cycle in 3 or 4 weeks. The shrimp should have been sufficient to start it and let it run it's course.
If your'e not opposed to using a damsel for tank conditioning you may want to try that and see if it finishes up. I know some people frown on that, but in your case I think the cycle is right at the completion point so it shouldn't be a problem for a damsel to handle it. You also could put some bits of flake food in there to decompose and give the bacteria something to consume. May help get it over the top.
Let us know what you find on the NO3 test...
Good luck!


Cayman, thanks for your help.
Readings just taken: Nitrites .4
Nitrates 5 ppm
by the way, I spent my honeymoon in Grand Cayman in March. Great place!:)

cayman isl

Cool, I was there in August right before Charlie hit.... the Island is still shut down now after Ivan hit.... tore everything up!!
If the NO2 is at .4 and the NO3 is 5 I think you are over the hump.
I'd check all three again tomorrow, NH3, NO2 and NO3 and see where you're at. I think you are pretty close to being done with the cycle..
So where did you stay in Grand Cayman? I usually go to the 7 Mile Beach resort or the Grand Caymanian.....


Hopefully the cycle is done. I will test again tomorrow.
I stayed at the Cobalt Coast Resort on the north side of the Island. It is a small resort that caters to Scuba divers and that is what we did a lot of.
We also spent a lot of time on 7 mile beach.
We really enjoyed it.
I was wondering how the island managed after the hurrincanes. I saw some photos, and things looked to be in tough shape, but you can never tell by photos.