Quarantine tank


How fast will a 10 gallon quarantine tank cycle if i fill half of it with water from my tank? I fill the whole thing with water from my tank can i use it the next day?

gold strip

Its all about the filter. Since a quaranteen tank is bare of any rock or other media for filtration, the only place for beneficial bacteria is the filter on the QT and the water. I keep the filter media from my QT filter in a good flow area of the sump of my main tank so that when I am ready to use it I can fill the QT with main tank water and It will cycle in a couple days vs having to start from scratch every time. Since the QT media is in the sump of the main tank it already has a colony of bacteria started in it.
Generally the reason for a QT is that you have a new fish that has just traveled or you have a sick fish. Either way you want the QT to be good and stable because the last thing you want to do is cause more stress on an already weak fish due to an amonia spike from an uncycled tank.
Good luck with your project.