So, I have let my DT tank fully cycle (~3-4 weeks). Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates 5-10ppm. I added the CuC crew yesterday (snails, hermits, peppermint shrimp, brittle star, emeralds, etc.) Everyone seems to be doing ok, and when I get home, I'll check the params to make sure the nitrates haven't risen too much. Before adding the CuC, I took some water from the DT, and added it to a 20 gal tank with plastic rocks, etc for a QT. I filled the rest of the QT with fresh saltwater, added a HOB filter and power heads, and I've been letting that run for several days. I also took a sponge, and put it in the HOB filter of my DT to collect good bacteria to eventually put into my QT. The water params in the QT are ok right now but I haven't added the sponge to it. When is it safe to get a fish, and quarantine it? And when do I add the sponge to the QT?
I couldn't find any threads that say exactly how to do this! Thanks in advance!