Quarantine Tank


I have had my quarantine tank set up for a few years now and have never had any problems with it. My question is, I have never had anything at all on the bottom, just the glass bottom. Now I want to dress up the tank. I want to know how I would go about putting a substrate on the bottom? What type of substrate could I use and what type can't I use? I'm thinking that a crushed coral would alter my PH reading and affect the tank. How would sand work? If it would also alter the PH, what substrate is safe to use without altering my water conditions at all? Oh, I only keep one Tomato Clown in it at all times and others if needed but , I really haven't had to use my quarantine tank in about 2 yrs.I just want it to look nice also.
thank you, Leo


I wish I could keep a Quarantine tank like you, but I always turn it into a mini reef set up. This hobbie is more addicting than drug use. You always want more & spend alot of $ to get it. Any time you put anything in your tank it will alter your water conditions. So if you decide to put anything in your water your going to have to watch it more than you do know. Suggesttion! just put a nice backround, most Q tanks I've seen have nothing but water in them. GOOD LUCK!:)


we have a q tank i ended up putting a little sand in the bottom and had 2 pieces of dead coral just sitting there so i threw them in. i got tired of looking at a completely empty tank also. i know a bare tank is better but i dont mind looking at it now. also so tempted to put fish or someting in it now but its hard to say no dont do it