quarantine tanks


New Member
I am new here and I got started on advice from lfs. No QT ever mentioned. After a few mishaps I think I need a QT. I have a 55 gallon display tank and am not going to be too aggressive with it. How big of a QT do I need. Also for shrimp and most crabs, do you need special lighting or will the basic lights work? Thanks


I'm setting up a 10 gal qt for my 80 gal display....Hope I never have to use it. After it cycles I think I'm going to keep one chromis in it. What do you mean by "basic lighting"?


Active Member
Basic lighting is all that is needed generally for crabs and such...most fish only tanks only need normal lighting as well...
Your QT is a very important piece of equipment which should be a standard addition...
The size is whatever you decide on to fit your needs...a QT should be able to adequately accomondate fish for 2-3 weeks periods of time...an example...you wouldnt want to keep a 3-4 inch yellow tang in a 10 gallon QT for too long...


You should read Beth's sticky in the disease forum about QTs. Very informative and also a necessity IMO


I know that when I buy something new it goes right into my QT for about 2 weeks untill I know hes safe and can go into the bigger tank. I dont want to kill my fish off.. not good .


10g or more make a good qt but if you are short on money you can use a rubbermaid tub for the time being. I use just NO lights in my qt and never had a problem. I usually don't qt my inverts, don't know if it's bad or not. I was under the impression they can't carry ich and other deseases. Was I missled?


That's the way I understand it. Inverts, including anemones don't need to be qt'd. 10 gal tank is fine for those of us who don't have or ever plan on having tangs or fish that require a large swimming area. I don't know about you, but space is a consideration in my house - the smaller the better. After all, we all can't have 5,000 sq. ft homes!


Active Member
5000sq ft...that would be nice...
I dont have a 5000sq ft home..so I cut holes through my beautifull red oak flooring....it only hurt until I stuck the first pipe through...and put my filtration in the basement....
None the less....a rubbermade container works good as well...in fact...I have a Koran in a 12 gallon, semi clear rubbermade being treated for secondary infection caused by a previous case of (not sure) ich...new order of fish...anyways...it works pretty good so far...my normal qt is occupied and with other fish holding awaiting final disposition (sounds official), so I was in a pinch, bought the tub works like a charm...and I cant break it!
A qt tank can be placed anywhere...it doesnt need to be adjacent to the tank.
As for inverts carrying ich...it is in my belief that anything in which maintains a level of saltwater coming from an infested area...could very well harbor the Crytocaryon irritans...not per se the invert being infected..but say a hermit crab over night shipped to your door...the parasite in one of its free floating states could very well survive inside the shell with the water....something to consider...


We don't have basements in Texas. I guess because the earth shifts too much in the hot dry summers. Anywho, I keep my display infront of the fireplace in the living room and my 10 gal qt is in the bedroom. As I never buy more than one fish at a time and I don't have any tangs, the 10 gal is big enough for my purposes. I suppose some inverts could harbor some fugitives (parasites), I really haven't seen any evidence that would sell me on the fact that they do carry parasites. Sorry about your red oak flooring. I would have had to think long and hard before I did that and only if I didn't have any other options.;)


I have a question to add.....not an answer. I did not do my homework when I first started, but I was one of the lucky few who somehow made it out ok. Anyhow, I now have a QT tank, but haven't used it yet. What type of filter is recommended?


I run a hot magnum and I biowheel, but then again, my qt is a 29 gal. I think just basic filteration is all thats needed since you normally don't have a heavy bio load in there.
Now here's MY question. What does everyone do with thier empty QT's to keep the bacteria going? With a bio wheel I am not sure if I should be adding anything when it has no fish for many months.


I have a ten gallon QT , with a heater , regular light and an old filter from my freshwater tank. the filter works alright and it has enough power to keep the water circulating .
Also i read some people keep one fish in the QT permamently. matter of preference i suppose .