

When you quarantine a fish do you just watch over it or do you add medication to the water while it's in there? What do you do for live rock, inverts, and corals?

mr. limpid

Active Member
You could just observe but I suggest start hypo right away, it adds a week to the QT period but if you watch your fish for 3 weeks and during that time you see ick you are 4 weeks past this point. As you can tell I use hypo I believe better than copper my opinion. For LR and inverts 6-8 weeks in QT and corals, personal I have just added to my DT (it was fishless), some suggest a coral dip (I would have to read up on that before I used it). Good luck glad to here that you are QT, your one step ahead of me. I didn't QT my new LR fish came down with ICK lost 9 fish.


Active Member
i hypo all new fish.as for the corals ,inverts and rock.i will get any fish to the dt after qt then raise the salt for the inverts ,lr ect.it takes time to get everything you want to the dt.but as you found out .it beats starting over.besides most of the fun is over once the dt is filled.probably why i have 5 tanks.


I treat all new additions with copper, inverts, rock, corals ect go in a sepearte fishless QT for 6 weeks


Active Member
Fish depend. All Angelfish and Butterflyfish (and Tangs, if I got another which is unlikely) get a PraziPro dip before entering the QT, they almost always arrive with flukes. After they start eating, they go through a treatment of copper (Cupramine). Some fish where it's hard to notice disease, like lionfish, get a hypo treatment after they start eating. My hardier fish go into copper immediately. Something fragile like a Leopard Wrasse, goes into a specialized QT, and I just monitor and treat only if necessary.
Corals, admittedly have sometimes have been a calculated risk. Buying from someone's personal tank, but I notice how their fish look and if they seem healthy, they were straight added. Now I have a QT that supports them, they are always QT'ed first. Just fishless for 6 weeks, no treatments.
Inverts... I really don't do inverts... They could go into the coral QT...