quarentine tank


Can someone tell me how to do a quarentine tank? Is it basically a small tank in which you could add water at any time from the main tank and place your sick fish in, or would it be something that is always up as a seperate tank ? What size is good for a quarentine tank given that I'm not rasing sharks or anything large? Is a simple biowheel adequate filtration for something like this ? Thanks


I just use a 10 gallon With a picec of Rubble for the fish to hide. and a Fluval 203 for Circulation ,NO chemical media Either, Just for circulation only. an Air stone and a Heater if necessary.. and that is about it... I pretty much try to keep it as simple as possible..
keep it simple. power filter, heater, and non living rock(base rock).
terry b or beth had put up a sticky so u might wanna look at it.


Do you always have water in these or do you just set it up when you need it ? I would certainly prefer the latter if possible.
Just set it up when you need it, but just make sure to do daily partial water changes. Obviously, as there will be no bio-filter. Wouldn't be worth trying to keep up all the time anyway, because if you did need to medicate you'd just wipe out the bacteria bed, well if using antibiotics anyway.


when you do these changes would you be taking water from the main tank? Seems like it would be much safer than taking the chance of shocking the fish by introducing fresh RO water.
I think it would be best to use water from the display aquarium for the partial changes as it will be much easier to introduce the fish back to the display once you feel comfortable doing so. Also be sure to do moderate partials of about 15 to 25% depending on the size of the fish in relation to the quarantine tank as you certainly don't want to starve a sick fish or one that you are trying to get ready for your display! And, of course, be sure to have plenty of replacement water for the display as you will be pulling a considerable amount of water out while quarantining. Guess this quarantine thing will be good for the display tank as well! Talk to you later.


I use a small 3 gal, it's one of those desktop aquariums. it has a light, a mechanical filter, an airstone, a heater, a plastic plant. nothing else. I exchange about 10% per day of main tank water and discard it. Don't set it up til needed, it's up in 10min anyway. I will put a fish in it if I see something I don't like or if it stops eating after a few days for observation. I put new fish in the sump for a while to let them recover before intro into main tank where they must sort out their turf with everyone.
If you think doubling your efforts can compensate for lack of skill, there is no end to what you can't do.