Queen and a Ray


I've always been informed Rays don't mix well with triggers or angels. Is that always the case or just if the trigger/ angel is underfed. I'm thinking about trying to add a Queen angel with my cali ray, 240 gal tank btw.


Active Member
IMO this would be a very bad combination. A queen is one of the most aggressive angels and a cali ray would be very vulnerable. There are other angels that you could "gamble" with, such as a majestic.


My thoughts as well, I wouldn't want to compromise my ray , he's nothing to eclectic, but I like him more than any other fish I own, he's my fav.... Rays are awesome if you care for them, hand feed, and treat them right. Just throwing the idea out there for any ray/ angel/ trigger/ tang lovers that migth have had "dumb luck" with the wrong mix.


Originally Posted by Lucky?
My thoughts as well, I wouldn't want to compromise my ray , he's nothing to eclectic, but I like him more than any other fish I own, he's my fav.... Rays are awesome if you care for them, hand feed, and treat them right. Just throwing the idea out there for any ray/ angel/ trigger/ tang lovers that migth have had "dumb luck" with the wrong mix.
I would not bet my ray on "dumb luck" as it doesn't sound like you intend to.


I wouldn`t add any angel or trigger to your tank as they will pick on your ray until it dies. I have tangs,puffers, lionfish,and a copperbanded butterfly in with my stingrays and they are fine.I also have a snowflake eel in there too.
you have to be very careful with what you put in with a stingray.
If it`s too small it will get eaten,if it`s too aggressive it will pick on the ray till it dies. Good Luck.


my angel gets along w/ my ray and shark very well, in fact, when it gets scared, it darts towards the shark and hides next to it, and ive never seen any signs of aggresion on either the ray or hte shark, so i guess im just lucky.
Originally Posted by Limitedslip
my angel gets along w/ my ray and shark very well, in fact, when it gets scared, it darts towards the shark and hides next to it, and ive never seen any signs of aggresion on either the ray or hte shark, so i guess im just lucky.
thats cool what kinda ray do you have cali?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Limitedslip
my angel gets along w/ my ray and shark very well, in fact, when it gets scared, it darts towards the shark and hides next to it, and ive never seen any signs of aggresion on either the ray or hte shark, so i guess im just lucky.
It's interesting that the combination has worked so far for you. What kind of angel? Based on the described behavior, I'm guessing that the angel is pretty small. The only problem with trying a combination like this is that if you are wrong, and a large angel takes even one bite, then you may have a stingray/shark with one eye.


crimzy, at first, i was worried, but after about 3 months, Ive seen nothing, so i guess im just a lucky one
. angel is large enough to take out the rays or the sharks eye atm. its an emperor angel, about 2 1/2 inches from head to tail, shark is about 11 from head to tail, and ray is about 4 inches from nose to the base before hte tail starts. I knew the risk when I tried it out, And I designed a small QT tank just in case. But now, that QT tank is becoming a mini reef. since it seems all safe now
. I bought both around the same size, and now the shark is significantly larger, shark seems to ignore it and vice versa for the most part.
its a blue spotted stingray (Dasyatis Kuhlii).
i picked this guy because 1. its hardier 2. it has a higher % chance of success and longetivity in a tank and 3. I like triangular sharped rays vs. disk shaped rays. the movement of them seems more fluent to me.
heres a pic of it hiding in the sand, ill try and get a pic later of its spots.


He's about 12 inches. Right now I have him in 125 gal tank that was waiting for a monster like this. I want to put him in my 240 F.O. but I 'm worried he'l eat my tangs. I was in JAX beach this weekend and saw this guy and couldn't resist. He was in a customers tank but killed everything the lady had, right now it's eating live crawfish, - 1 hour after acclimation I threw a few frozen krill in and DOWN THEY WENT!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Limitedslip
just fed him, and got some good pics/vids, here are some.

omg, thats so cool!


Nice stingray - Limitedslip.
And the choice of the blue-spotted (D. kuhlii) is an excellent but fairly unusually choice.
Likely the reason your Angel don't pick on your shark or ray - is 1.) it's still a juvenile & 2.) both the shark & ray bigger than it is.


at a LFS, the owner has his personal tub, and in it, he has a giant french angel, bamboo shark, a queen trigger, and 2 looksdown...so I mean, it really depends on the temperment and attitude of your fish. I honestly wouldnt recommend what ive done, but if you must try it, do it w/ caution, and definately monitor your fish/ray/sharks like a hawk for up to a month after the last one i added. and make sure you have a quarantine tank just in case anything might happen, so you can move the fish out immediatly if it shows any sign of aggression. and Once I move outa my apartment, I am planning on gettin a 400 gallon tub, and moving just the shark and ray into it


Originally Posted by Lucky?
He's about 12 inches. Right now I have him in 125 gal tank that was waiting for a monster like this. I want to put him in my 240 F.O. but I 'm worried he'l eat my tangs. I was in JAX beach this weekend and saw this guy and couldn't resist. He was in a customers tank but killed everything the lady had, right now it's eating live crawfish, - 1 hour after acclimation I threw a few frozen krill in and DOWN THEY WENT!

what did the lady have in her tank? if she had tangs or that relative size, DO NOT ADD HIM, your ull be feeding him expensive food. As a word of caution, never buy a fish who has a history like that.


disc width of it is about 4 to 4 1/2 inches.
let me just say, this guy LOOOOOVVVEESSSSSSS mysis. it will eat whole cube, He's a good ray too, he was eating since the first day i got him.


Limitedslip - Where did you purchase this Ray from? Its a specimen I would not mind acquiring. Let me know