Queen Angel not eating


New Member
Hey guys
I have a strange problem that has just come up. I have a 250 gallon that is about a year + old. I have a large hippo tang, a good sized naso tang, a clown, a kole tang, and a queen angel. I haven't added anything in the last two months and all has been fine. All of my levels are fine as well. About 3 days ago my queen angel just stopped eating and she is just staying in one corner. All of the other fish are eating fine and seem to be doing just fine. There are no visible signs of parasites on the queen and she actually looks very healthy. She just will not eat. Any suggestions?
I did find something lastnight that I thought could have been contributing to the problem. I was feeding flakes late lastnight like I always do and I felt a tingle. I happen to have two hangnails, one on my index finger and one on my thumb (the two fingers I was using to drop the flakes in the water). I put the food in and it almost felt like sticking a 9 volt to my tounge just not as severe. So I immediately started unplugging everything until it stopped. I located it in the pump hooked up to my UV sterilizer. I can see how that should have affected all of the fish but just one? And if that was the problem, will the queen recover? I don't know how long it has been that way and I don't think I would have ever known about it if I would not have had those two hang nails that exposed my skin. I felt so bad for all of my fish for having to go through such an ordeal. Comments and help very much appreciated.


Active Member
The stinging your feeling is the salt on an opened wound lol.
And angles are very picky eaters you might have to try live shrimp to get them to eat and then move them to something els. Try soacking some shrimp "dead shrimp" in garlic juice and see if it will take that.


New Member
I thought the same thing snipe about the open wounds. I actually tested that theory several times but unplugging the pump. No stinging at all while the pump was unplugged. I have felt the salt before and it does burn a little but this was a very noticable surge.
I have read a little about garlic but I have not tried that yet. Thanks


Active Member
I know I get thoughs stupid soars hang nail cant figure out why its called hang nail "ITS NOT PART OF THE NAIL lol". And it stung pretty bad when I found out. But anyway you might have to to try setting up a ground probe to suckup all the unwanted current.