queen angel



agreed permanet no, temporary yes, i had one in a 60 and moved it to a 180 in which it did alot better.


If it's a juvenile, yes. It will also outgrow your tank eventually, and you'll need a bigger tank or sell it back to the LFS. For example, right now I have a juvi Koran angel, but I know it will eventually get too big for my tank. I am in the process of setting up a 120 (building the stand for it right now), but that will be a reef tank, and the Koran would have fun with that (as in eating all the corals). So it's going to eventually return to my LFS where it will probably end up in their display FOWLR tank and be much happier as an adult.


"Buy fish for life " Agreed Dont lease fish, get them with the intention of taking care of them . Would you buy a Great Dane as a puppy in an apartment then bring him back when hes 8 months old and has outgrown your confines? There is too much information available to us now to allow mistakes like this. Do the right thing for the hobby.



Originally posted by yaoming713
i heard queen are difficult to keep...never heard of anyone able to keep them for more than a year good luck

Queen's are pretty hardy from juvenile stages - but, you're right, as an adult from the wild they rarely acclimate to the tank and eat.


My 3" Queen just died. Unknown cause. Everything was fine one day, come home the next day and he was swimming all disoriented. Netted him, died that night. Had him for 6 months or so. Established tank, water was fine, all other fish fine, better diet then I have.
Just my experience.


had mine for for 3 years no problems whatsoever did get it when it was small though. ate very good and ate everything. here's a pic b4 i decided to go reef and return to lfs.


Active Member
I had a one eyed rock beauty that just up and died for no reason. I was even feeding it a sponge formula and mysid shrimp, it even went after seaweed. Maybe it was the yellow tang...