queen angel


New Member
Has anyone ever seen a juvenile queen angel.what do their colours look like? Do they change like the emporer, my queen is a dark browny colour for the rear 3/4 and the front 1/4 is a redy colour it has a yellow tail and pectoral fin, most of the body is outlined with a deep blue colour. In my books it looks closer to a king angel, but am not quite certain. the guy in the store assured me it is a queen. But i'm not so sure. It is about 1 1/2 inches in length. Hope someone can help thanks!


A juvi queen in kinda the same shape as the adult king(passer) angelfish, and the juvi has a much different color pattern than the adult. Juvis are better to get, b/c they will adapt to your aquarium much better. Good luck!.... u already r LUCKY! I want 1!
[This message has been edited by Fishgirl (edited 05-20-2000).]