Queen Conchs?


So under the U-Build it section of this website, it says that the Queen Conchs eat algae as juveniles, but doesn't mention what they eat when they grow up. I was thinking about ordering some, but I was worried about that. Can someone enlighten me? I do know that some conchs are carnivorous, are these?
Thanks a lot- David


Active Member
Queen conch's get enormous...the fighting conchs stay smaller. I have 2 queens, they haven't grown since I've had them but they eat plenty.


Both are considered reef and DSB safe.
The fighting conchs are are much better for a smaller tank.

big dave

I just got mine today whoo hoo!! Seriously, they are supposed to be excellent stirrers/algae eaters and have been reported to eat cyanobacteria. But then again I have heard red leg hermits are supposed to and I have never seen or heard personally of them eating it. I plan on bringing mine back to the LFS I work at when it gets bigger.


Active Member
How much are you paying for your conches at LFS? In WI they charge about $15 for a fighting conch! I see on line vendors that carry them for as little as $2.90! 15 bucks just seems like alot.


Active Member
How much are you paying for your conches at LFS? In WI they charge about $15 for a fighting conch! <img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" /> I see on line vendors that carry them for as little as $2.90! 15 bucks just seems like alot.


I have a Queen conch I bought online for about $2.50 if I remember right. It does a great job on algae and I have seen mine eating cyanobacteria occasionaly. It won't eat it all the time but does seem to enjoy a snack of it now and then.


Active Member
I have 4 fighting conchs that I bought from here for 3.99 a piece but they now raised the price to 4.99 a piece bu they are awsome workers for you sand bed. For cleaning rocks I like trouchus snails the best.


Thanks for all the replies you all. I think that I will go with the fighting conchs (maybe 3 or 4) and several trochus snails to supplement the astreas and hermits that I already have. I gotta get something to help my poor mag float (If I keep working it so hard, It is going to go on strike) :)


Active Member
how big is your tank?, you only want ONE fighting conch per 2 square foot of sand bed, no more are required or reccomended and if you need some things, i'd look here, if you can put together a 60$ package the shippping is free too, me and some friends are trying to coordinate an order ourselves


I don't really like the trochus snails; but if you look, seems most people only tend to get 1 or 2;we have noticed our trochus snails feasting mostly on the LR than the glass and have noticed the coraline being consumed by them;they also tend to get little large compared to turbo/astra snails and may disturb/dislodge pieces of LR or corals;then again, the ones we have gotten so far tend to have coraline all over them and sometimes feather dusters or other inverts


Active Member
ours spend an equal time between the glass and the rock, the one thing, they do work harder and can upright themselves, where the turbos can't