Queen or blue


me an d my dad are having an argument about the fish we bought is it a Queen angel or Blue angel heres a pic give reasons why it is what it is


Active Member
1st - full size queen
2nd - full size blue
I think yours has more similiar features to the blue rather than the queen.



it is hard to tell because most blues have a brownish color and queens with a yellow or blue so im still torn
also my fish has the crown like the queen but most blues dont have a crown
anyone else think its a blue or queen??


I think it is a Queen, because it has a blue crown (hence its name) on its head. Blue Angels dont have a crown on there head. Is this your fish? It is unusual coloring for a Queen though. But it is in fact a Queen IMO. Also because it has the blue trin on its top and bottom fins, which Blues dont have.


I have made a discovery. I did a google image search, and found out that thyere are crosses between Blues and Queens. Here is a pic
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But, without some more pics, it is really hard to tell whether its a Queen, Blue, or cross.


yes it is my fish thank you for doing a little research!!!
IMO i do think its a cross
thanx again


I did some more research with the help of I<3fish and I believe it is a hybrid -- Queen angel and Blue angel. we are glad that we have one!!
thanx for all the help!!!!!


Glad to be of help! I am wondering why my link was deleted. It was only a direct link to a picture for Pete's Sake!!! But good luck with your new Hybrid! I have not seen many of them.


It's a blue. The scales on the queen angel are blue trimmed with yellow (although often the body color exhibits a yellowish/orange color and the blue isn't dominant). The scales on a blue are brown trimmed with yellow giving the body a tannish look. Queens do not have any brown on them. Both have a "crown" of blue but the queen has a full crown (black with blue spots surrounded by blue ring) and usually a blue has an incomplete (broken, not a ring shape) or nonexistent crown. A queen has much more blue around the finnage both dorsal and ventrally with red/orange trim while the blue doesn't have the red/orange trim, and a blue

while the blue does not have as much blue. Also, a queen has an entirely yellow tail while the blue has brown on the tail.
Hybrid? They exist but are rare. They exhibit traits of both fish...
I've owned both of them and both are beautiful and majestic worthy of a title of royalty. You have a beautiful angelfish. My blue looked just like yours


How big is it though? I remember you telling us that it is 3" or so. It should be in the juv stage if it was a Queen or Blue... a 3-4" Queen or Blue Angel should not look like that, it should have the vertical stripes, and juv coloration!


From the pic, even if the clown below it is an inch long the angel is at least 4 times that. My blue changed color when it was about 4-5" long.