Nice queen trigger. I like them a lot, even though I was bit by one, one time. I had my left hand like 2 or 3 inches above the tank he was in, trying to catch a fish in the above tank with my right hand. Well, forgetting that he was below me, I leaned a little closer (still keeping my hand 2 or 3 inches from his tank), but yet, this queen trigger (at least the size of the one in the pic) still jumped out of the water to grab onto my finger. I tried getting him off, but that didn't seem possible after shaking my hand a few times above the tank, so I wacked my hand against the side of the tank twice, and he finally fell off. Still in shock, I didn't realize the fish was on the floor, so he bounced a few seconds on the floor, and I finally scooped him up and put him back into his tank. And the happy note of that story is that that queen trigger is still alive and well today, in one of my friend's aggressive tanks.