Queen Trigger

b volitans

I saw a picture of a queen trigger and thought it was a neat looking fish but I can't find much on how big they get, how aggressive are they, and what size tank would you need to house this cool fish...if anyone could share any info or experiences with this fish it would be greatly appreciated :D


Active Member
Some say queens are the most aggressive of all triggers. They are indeed beautiful, but they need A LOT of room. They will establish a large territory in the tank. They may only reach 12" in a tank, but in the wild they can get 10lbs+. Bo


Active Member
I've been told they don't belong on a reef, or any triggers for that matter, so was wondering about the following setup. 200 gallon FOWLR. How much LR and LS would be needed. What else can be put in w/ a queen angel?