Queensland Grouper


I found a couple of Queensland babies down in Houston last week. They are great looking specimens. Fortunately, I was able to restrain myself, for the time being. Any of you folks have any experience with them? Yes, I realize they can get as big as a car:D Altough, my 250 gallon does have plenty of room...


Hi Mike:
apparently you were at Fish ranch.... another houstonian. Well since you did go to FR and saw mikes 2000gal Aquarium, you must have seen his queenland grouper. The 4 footer. They are supposedly easy fish to keep, shy fish when mixed w/ other fish, but mean when provoked and i suspect willing to try to eat anything. I remember when mike's fish was only 1.5 ft long seems like only yesterday, actually about 2 yrs ago. i have no idea how long it will take to outgrow your tank. I guess if you just want a grouper in th etank it might be okay


You called it, Fish Ranch! That place is probably one of the best places to see a wide variety of stuff. Have you been to City Pet, T&T, or Global? Actually, I live in Nacogdoches, but I get down to Houston pretty frequently for business. Yeah, I've seen the BIG BOY in his 2,000 gallon tank. I'm glad that they built it for him.
I must say that I'm still pretty tempted... I've only got a panther grouper (8-9") and a horn shark right now.


Here is my Bumblebee Grouper. They reach over 6 feet in the wild and in the hundreds of pounds. NOT A GOOD AQUARIUM FISH. Do not buy these.
Too late Bull Shark... I couldn't help myself. I now own a 5-6" Bumblee/Queensland Grouper. Man, they are beautiful fish with very inquisitive personalities...
BTW... Great pics of your collection!


I know what you mean, Mike. Thanks for the complements. I would love pics of your Panther and tankmates...