Question 4 the ID police



This little guy comes and goes on my glass but is always in the sand. Not going to dig him out just for ID purposes in fear of hurting him. (Referring to pink worm) Any guesses?


Active Member
IS there any chance of getting a shot of the other side of it?
Offhand it looks like it would be like a chiton or something, but no way to be sure at this point.


Does it have a hard "Plate" across it's back, or does it look soft like the rest of it?
A pic from the top or side would help.


I've waited forever to get a better look at him. This is the most he has ever exposed himself. The foot looks alot like a chiton now that I know what to look up. If it would happen to be a that a good thing? It moves so ungodly slow.....but if he comes out anymore I'll try to get a better angle.


Active Member
I would say they are decent grazers, I think pretty cool overall. Similar in many behavioral respects to a snail...but very very difficult to pry off anything.
Some species have a fascinating "homing" behavior, returning each time to the same "burrow" or indentation in the rock.
If a chiton, it should have eight plates on the other side. You may not see them all. They can basically be "connected" together or separated by some skin (genus like Cryptoplax if you want to google it).