question a prizm skimmer


hi i will recieved a prism skimmer that i plain to install on a 55 this tuesday. I have no clue how to operate it and i noticed that there is alot of questions regarding the use of a skimmer. The 55 has be running since February, so i know there has to be protein to skim from the water. I just wanted to know if someone can give me an idea how i should set it up. Alot of people have problems with bubbles going into the tank or that the cup fills up to quickly. I would be grateful for any info that anyone can give me on this prizm protein skimmer.


Active Member
I'll give it a shot. I have 2 and am satisfied with them. Probably not the best, for me.
When you set your Prizm up be sure to follow the directions which come with the skimmer. Once the siphon is started open the valve wide open to where maximum flow goes through the take up tube. Let that run for about a minute to be sure and get all the air out. Then you'll be told to adjust the foam to just below the o-ring. I would stay about a 1/4" below. It will look like it is just barely causing a foam line. If you see tiny bubbles coming from the output, reduce the valve yet some more. As long as some water is coming from the output you're ok. If no water flows then you'll probably have to start over. Once you have no bubbles coming out, leave it alone for a couple of days. The Prizm has to break in. I don't know why, it just does. After 3 days try increasing the bubble flow a little bit. Stay below the o-ring. If you see none to very few bubbles in the output then stay pat with your adjustment for a few days. They after a few days adjust up a little more. You'll get the feel for it. You'll start to see some dry foam from the overflow. The foam will turn to green/brown gunk in your collection cup. If during these first few days you see any clear liquid in your collection cup then you have it turned up too high.
Hope this helps. If you run into problems when you get it, email me and I'll be happy to try and help. I was frustrated at first but it works great for me now.
Good Luck!


I've had a Prism skimmer on my 45 gallon for almost a year and haven't had any problems. If you're getting a new one, I'd suggest simply following the directions. If you're getting a used one, without directions.....there are only three parts to install......the motor, collection cup and in-flow tube. Motor twists on on the bottom right corner; cup sits on top and in-flow tube twists into inner left side of the main unit. Fill the center of the unit with tank water up to the line near the top. Plug it the flow valve (on the in-flow tube) all the way. There should be a little rubber tube attached to the in-flow tube. Place your finger over the upper end until the water starts to come out of the unit. Now, attach the top of the rubber tube to the right-most

on the collection cup. Adjust the flow by closing the flow-valve slightly until you can't see bubbles coming out in the water. Check the collection cup often the first day. If it's filling with clear water, close the flow-valve a little more.
If all this is unclear, let me know. I may be able to find my instructions and fax you a copy.