question about 75 a.s.

thanx for the info on the sharks. i think im going to go with a 75 gal from my local fish store. what kind of fish set up would any one perfer for a 75 as far as aggresive fish go. also
i was wondering what is the best hang on filtration system. thanx for any info.


use a hang on overflow.. and a sump.. you wont regret it..
unless you are putting your tank on the ground you will always have it on a stand.. which means you will have room for a sump..
IF you have a 75.. you should get a 20 gal long tank.. you can make a DIY mechanical filter.. and use cheap floss or sponges.. then just use a $40 pump for return.. and use LR or and substrate you can in the tank and in the sump.. even cheap argonite shells will work.. for a FO tank you want to keep nitrates below 50ppg.. which is really really high.. So dont worry about that.. a FO tank is a relatively cheap setup..
you already have the tank..
$75 overflow
$20 20 gallon tank from petsmart(better tanks than *****)
$7 per 10lbs of argonite.. (bout 20lbs in 20gal)
$40 return pump
$20 heater
bamm.. sump.. no need to hide ugly heaters of filters in the tank.. and you can put more argonite in the main tank for more bio filter.. but get some Live rock so your cycle doesnt take 2 years.. =)


Active Member
since you are saying you are going with, i am assuming that you do not yet have th tank, if this is so, i agree, don't bother with a hang on, get a sump and if you don't yet ahve the tank, check ou t built in overflows, they are more reliable and for us to get a built in over flow, was only like 50$ extra, you'd be much better off
scott i like the bak pak, but a 75 is kinda pushing it for them, to answer your Q, if budget was not a prob, i like the berlins, 2d and the ramora's by aqua c they are a bit more than the cpr bakpaks but are much better off, and if i were to look at a 55 i would probably go with a bakpak(but not a 75)
anyhow, back to the original Q, get the built in overflow,a nd construct your own sump, for little or no money, add a pump(and this would be the majority of the cost), gives you more stability for your tank, and a place to hide your pumps and heaters adn such, beyond that, i would have lr and a dsb, and an in sump skimmer(so it is not visible, ou could also add some lr and sand to your sump to make it even more of a benefit, through biological filtration
and forget the hang on filters, they will later become a problem for nitrates(emporers and magnums included), and yes i have them myself, so i am not stating based on wht i read, but what i have learned and used


Active Member
scott, yes, but imo, i would if possible, get the remora 1st or the berlin 2d, and with any pump or skimmer i would get the pump upgrade(i really do not like rios)