Question about a adding a refugium


New Member
I am thinking of adding fuge to my 60g reef. I am currently running a canister filter and skimmer. I am wondering if it is better to switch to a Wet/Dry first and then add the refugium, or if I can leave the canister and just simply add a fuge. Also what GPH would be suitable for a refugium?


Active Member
I think most here will agree that a wet/dry or sump type system is much better for a reef tank then a canister filter. It will depend on your current set up though as to getting a wet/dry or sump. How much live rock do you have? How long has the tank been running? Inhabitants? I think you would be better off switching filter types before adding a fuge though either way IMHO.
BTW - H2O turnover in a fuge is pretty slow, about 10x usually. HTH.


New Member
Currently I have about 60lbs of live rock. My tank has been running for a little over a year, with 3 damsels, a mandarin,and a clown trigger (recently added). As for the corals, I have a goniopora, pulsing xenia, various zoos, and mushrooms and most recently a maxima clam. I want to get rid of the damsels, but have been unable to catch them without tearing up the aquarium. I also have about 20 hermits and 10 or so snails. I realize that the refuge alone may not work with this setup because of not enough water flow, but maybe if I couple that with either a canister or wet/dry. The only reason I am skeptical about the wet/dry is because of the limited space that I have, and I definitely would like to have the fuge. Let me know what you guys think.:)