Question about a clown fish and a Condi


Active Member
Condis are from the Caribbean, Clowns from Pacific so it is "unnatural". It does happen.
Several species of Damsels will also host in Caribbean Anemones.


New Member
any clown should adapt other than you, how bout u drive down from dc only bout 50 min away so i can beat yo ass than let my shark have you



Active Member
my arent we aggressive on an information forum? would probably be easier to say that it most likely wouldnt work and you would advise against it. but the threat of a never gonna happen situation i guess would work to? :notsure:


Active Member
Answer: All of them.
Question #2 What type of clown will a condi eventually kill?
Answer: see answer #1


Yes. Fiji Tomato Clowns will take kindly to a Condi. I have seen it numerous times. You just need to buy the anemone/fish as a pair. Don;t try to introduce them separately. Because the Condi is a little more poisonous than most other Anemones, the average Percula will not adapt to it unless they are already in relationship. hahaha


I currently have 2 Condi's and 2 Percula's hosting in them. The Percula's used to have BTA's but I moved them to make room for a couple of maroons.
I'll post pics as soon as possible.