Question about a shark egg


New Member
Anyone have experience with hatching a shark embryo, I got one to try it out because it seemed interesting, I have had it in my 55 gallon tank, for 2 weeks now, the store said it could take up to 2 months for the shark to actually hatch. Are there any do's and don'ts I should know about, I have isolated the embryo from the other fish and I have a good current in the tank.....any advise would be appericated.
Thanks Bryan in Neptune Beach, FL


Um don't number 1: Don't try to raise a shark in a 55 gal.
Just a little FYI you are aware that a bamboo shark needs a minium of 180 gal tank and can outgrow a 125 in a year right?
Not sure what your plas are for it so I thought I would give you a little heads up


Active Member
yep, they grow very fast, and need their room, although the lfs's would let you believe that they may be fine, a 55 is not good for any shark, that we can purchase for the aquariiium
they will NOT grow to fit the tank


New Member
Even a little 6-9 inch banded shark is too big for a 55 gallon tank ??? That is what is in the embryo....


Yup it is, or more accuratly will be in very short order. an 8 foot tank is considered the minimum for keeping ANY shark for any length of time