question about actual tank


(i hope this isn't posted twice, i hit add new topic and it went to an unfound page and didn't show up, so sorry if it is!)
ok, i just set up a 29 gallon tank a while ago, and now i'm noticing that the front and back of it are bowing out, about 1/8 of an inch. (it looks like more than that to me, but my dad measured it.) has anyone ever had this happen? any idea as to whether it will get worse and eventually break?

mr . salty

Active Member
It's surprising how much glass will bend before breaking.My 130 bows about 1/4 inch at the meddle,and has been like that for over a year.As long as tour top ring is ONE PIECE,and in good shape,you shoud have no trouble with your 29.


ok, thank you! i really didn't feel like buying another tank and switching everything over. i'll keep measuring it everyday just to make sure.