Question about breeding ocellaris clown...


I want to attempt to breed clownfish. ...just for fun, you know:) I have a couple of questions though.
Do these clownfish require an anemone to breed? Also, is it good to have them in a group og at least 8-12 in order to breed them?
Is there a book that you guys reccomend for me to read about breeding?
Anyother info that would help, it would be appreciated.
Thanks guys.


Active Member
Clowns do not need an anemone to breed . You only want a pair per tank to breed them . If you don`t have adults it will take a while for the juveniles to pair up and then longer to become a mating pair after reaching adulthood . A really good book to get is Clownfishes by Joyce Wilkerson . When you get a mated pair going you will need to have a culture station going with Rotifers and Phytoplankton .


Active Member
If you don`t have an adult pair ,it can take years before they mate if they do . Just because two clowns have paired up doesn`t mean they will become a mating pair . Best bet is to find a mated pair and buy them . Moving them into your tank can and most likely will set them off and stop spawning for a few months . Pick up the book , a lot of info from raising juvenile to breeding adults and all the info you could think of .